Fritz Coffee Bean 프릳츠 커피빈 (200g)
3 types of coffee beans freshly roasted - and you can now pre-order and enjoy a cup of coffee from Korea to your home!
Seoul Cinema Blend
Unique bright acidity and clean sweetness.
Acidity 5
Sweetness 4
Cleancup 4
Seoul Cinema Blending ingredients: Ethiopia 70%, Costa Rica 30%
<서울시네마>에서는 커피가 가진
고유한 밝은 산미와 깨끗한 단맛을 즐겨주시길.
Acidity 5 Sweetness 4 Cleancup 4
Seoul Cinema Blending Info.
에티오피아 70%
코스타리카 30%
Everything Good Blend
A great balance of sweetness, long and sweet aftertaste.
Sweetness 5
Balance 5
Aftertaste 4
Everything Good Blending ingredients: Ethiopia 25%, Guatemala 20%, Costa Rica 35%, India 20%
<잘 되어가시나 Everything Good >에서 구현합니다.
길고 달콤한 애프터 테이스트도 더불어.
Sweetness 5 Balance 5 Aftertaste 4
Everything Good Blending Info.
에티오피아 25%
과테말라 20%
코스타리카 35%
인도 20%
Old Dog Blend
Sweet and bitter flavor. You can enjoy a heavy body, and rich flavor with just one shot.
Body 5
Sweetness 4
Mouthfeel 3
Old Dog Blending ingredients: Costa Rica 35%, El Salvador 25%, India 40%
<올드독 Old dog>에서는 한 샷으로도 풍부한 풍미를.
Body 5 Sweetness 4 Mouthfeel 3
Old Dog Blending Info.
코스타리카 35%
엘살바도르 25%
인도 40%
*Avoid direct sunlight and store in a cool place.
Weight: 200g
The expiration date is 1 year from the date of manufacture.